Saturday, March 24, 2007

Peace and Order

Our first and foremost duty as free and independent nation is maintain peace and order within our borders. No government worthy of the name will countenance public disorder or tolerate open defiance of its authority. Unless we enjoy domestic tranquillity, we cannot prosecute to a successful conclusion those labors essential to our daily existence and to our national survival. Without public security, our natural resources will remain undeveloped, our fields uncultivated, our industry and commerce paralyzed; instead of progress and prosperity, we shall swallow in misery and poverty and face starvation.

In the ultimate analysis, all government is physical power and that government is doomed with is impotent to suppress anarchy and terrorism. The Constitution vests in the President full authorityto exercise the coercive powers of the State for its preservation. In order to make those powers effective, my administration shall be committed to the training, equipment and support of large Constabulary force strong enough to cope with any untoward situation which might arise. Certainly, everything must be done to invoke outside intervention to quell purely internal disturbance.

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